El fantasma del paraiso. Brian de Palma. 1974


el fantasma del paraisoQué se puede decir de este peliculón, gracias al amigo Carlos por recordármela y prestármela. Hacia años que no la veía.

En la wikipedia nos la venden así: «Phantom of the Paradise is a 1974 horrorthriller musical film written and directed by Brian De Palma. The story is a loosely adapted mixture of Phantom of the Opera, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Picture of Dorian Gray and Faust. The film was marketed with the tagline «He sold his soul for rock n’roll», and then with «He’s been maimed and framed, beaten, robbed and mutilated. But they still can’t keep him from the woman he loves.» Initially a box office failure and panned by some critics, it has since gained a cult following.»

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